Are You In-VEST-ed?

Lots of trends come and go in fashion! Some making a big splash for a while and fizzing out, and some quietly coming in but making a huge fashion statement that endures.  One of this spring’s trends is one of the latter.  This trend is a favorite of mine, and I always keep some in my wardrobe consistently. Let’s talk about VESTS!


Vests are the ultimate layering element especially in this awkward time between seasons when we are craving spring, but winter is somehow lingering on and frustrating us as we face the eternal question of —- “What to wear?”

The designers  presented several different styles of vests in their spring shows  ranging from a classic leather cut to a longline  oversized silhouette for our spring fashion inspiration – some very fashion forward looks.


Now, I adore seeing what they design and present for each season, but I also know that in the real world in which you and I live, we need to have ideas that work for us in our day to day lives! Stylish and fun ideas that won’t break our budgets and will make our outfits memorable without being outlandish!  Let’s be honest, those spectacular and sometimes over the top runway looks are not going to cut it in our offices, our classrooms, and our hometowns. Later in the post, I will share some different looks I have styled  for you with different vests from my own wardrobe in order to give you some really easy and real life looks which are affordable and stylish.

But first……..

I visited Zara’s website –  click here to visit the site :  Zara  to show you just a few examples of some vests that are available this spring. Here are a few ideas!






Now, here are my looks!

My first look is centered around a long  black vest with vents. I absolutely love this vest because it actually can be worn all year long! It is a virtual style workhorse!! A must have for layering.  I can style is so many different ways, and as a matter of fact, I will be doing a post on different ways to style her in the near future!


I chose to layer my vest with a cream shirt dress with contrasting black buttons. and a black belt. It’s an easy look but can take you from the office to dinner out and about in the blink of an eye. The combination can also be one of your go to looks that you can depend on when you are in a hurry and do not have a lot of time. Classic and stylish!


I decided to use on of my shorter vests in a soft coral pink for my second look. This vest is from Cato.  The soft hue works well with my coral pink and blue wide legged pants and a coordinating blue blouse.  I love the softness of this look and the silhouette that the elements create when paired together.


I paired my white boots from Target and my blue earrings from Versona with this look along with my new sunnies from It’s Fashion.  It is such a comfortable look.


For my third look, I decided to go with a different type vest and a lot more color. This vest is a striped sweater vest with a few layers on the front. It is not as structured as my first two vests, but it is just as versatile. It can be styled in both casual styles and more professional looks as well.


I paired this look with a navy turtle neck  from TJ Maxx  and a green maxi skirt from Burlington.  The green and navy hues are two of the colors in the stripes. Now, this is definitely not a look that blends into the background, but  it is perfect for some of our cooler days when I want to look springs and still be warm.


I have also included a look with a vest from a past post. This navy blue and pink striped vest here is paired with navy pants and navy turtle neck.



I hope that you have enjoyed the different vest styles that I have presented for you. As you are out and about shopping, do yourself a favor and make a vest part of your wardrobe this spring!!

Trust me!  It’s a great in-vest- ment!😘











A Glimpse

When we are able to gain a glimpse at anything in our future anxiety subsides, we regain focus and determination, and we feel more sure about what’s to come. This fall dip in weather gives us a glimpse of what’s to come, and we don’t know about you, but man oh man, did we LOVE it!! We are ready for the Lowcountry to stay at a steady 60 degrees please!

Susie, this week is gaining a GLIMPSE of what it’s like to have two married sons. Her future is beginning to change,  and I’m sure she is bouncing with excitement and on the same hand pride! Her baby boy is tying the knot to one of the sweetest gals- says her soon to be Mother-in-law.

What she once prayed for has come to fruition and PenelopeSeraphina couldn’t be more excited for her! Gaining a family member is such a blessing! Adding loved ones to the list of happy memories we have are at the top of our list!


Just like the GLIMPSE she is gaining, we thought we would give you all a glimpse into our fall wardrobe. Transitioning to cooler temps doesn’t mean you can’t wear what you once did, but maybe instead of a short summer dress they now begin to have length. Longer dresses add a little warmth for cool mornings but still give you that sleeveless look for the warm afternoons.

Michelle wore this long maxi dress to work this week and it was perfect! The colors are more fall-like. Her suede lace up flats were comfortable and you know what suede means! It means a chill is in the air.

Susie  wore a  black fitted jacket from the early 90’s  that has the perfect amount of  leopard at the collar , the cuffs,  and the buttons.  It even has shoulder pads which are just the right size for her.


Instead of wearing the straight skirt that came with the suit, she decided to wear a black crocheted maxi skirt.  She loves the mixing of textures and how it turned out!!!  It’s not such a heavy weight that she would weighed down by it all, and if you haven’t noticed she has cut her hair in preparation for the wedding festivities.


We are both so excited for the  many glimpses coming our way in this next week and hope that each of you will experience the most wonderful  glimpses as this new week begins!


Love to all of you, stylish and fabulous ladies!!!🌺🌺


What Crops Are We Sowing?

Back in the day- when someone had a baby, our mothers would stop at nothing to pull off the perfect shower… they brought out the fine China, glass punch cups, and forget Pinterest- they were on their own with drumming up creativity. But somehow, it always was the best shower filled with fantastic gifts the new mother needed and lots of love to melt the hearts of all family members involved.

It used to be that when a friend lost a loved one, our entire household turned into a logistical meeting place of friends with dishes to share with the family who suffered loss. Our mothers would invest in a large slab of meat to feed the mourning family plus their guests. A ham, Boston butt, or a Turkey were among many of the selections they made. Other friends would fill in the gaps with macaroni and cheese, fruit salad, green beans, and the list could go on and on. Back then, friends banded together to make it happen all for the concern and compassion of another.


Why does it feel as though the world we live in is more self centered and meager than ever?  It is so sad how friends forget about one another in a time of need. We were created for each another! We all need someone to help us, build us up, and walk beside us in a time of celebration and loss. No one ever wants to do life alone! We weren’t created to!

You know, the Golden Rule here is so appropriate. It’s not until WE are the ones in need that we feel the importance of giving of our time and energy when our friends needed it.


Our goal with this post is to stir in you what you can do for your friends! Who in your life needs a celebration?

….. a new baby, an engagement, a graduation, a wedding, or a debutant and the list could go on and on!


Has there been someone that may have lost a loved one?

…. a friend of yours lost a child, parent, or spouse? A family member lost a cousin, friend, or grandparent? That list could also continue.


A wise woman once said “Our gardens of life will only produce the crops of what we have sown into them” and boy was she right!

We are sure you have heard you reap what you sow…what would you say you would reap if YOU were the one in need? Friends…. remember that it takes a friend to be a friend! Our mothers weren’t perfect people but it seems as though their thirst for community and doing life together was much more important then than it is now.

Let’s do our best to change that .., to make sure that we are there for each other in the good times and the bad….to be that friend worth their weight in gold!


Let’s sow the kind of crops that we will be eager to reap!!

Beautiful in Blue

Blue is such an easy color to master! So many different shades, hues, and variations that almost anyone can find a piece of blue and look beautiful in it. These beauties…have found a way to make blue run all the way to summertime! Granted this was “back in the day” when women wore Petticoats and slips but some things never go out of style!

Michelle has a bold and vibrant cobalt blue on with some very interesting new tights! These tights online boast a strong ombré from dark blue to cobalt. The length of Michelle’s skirt doesn’t allow it to show very well, but she wanted to keep things professional!

Michelle has been searching for unique tights this winter and has been a little successful. You might get to see some of her findings shortly if the weather doesn’t warm up!

Her black skateboard skirt is cotton and twirly! One of Michelle’s favorite Christmas gifts is her gold multicolored earrings. They go with just about anything and make such a fun statement piece!


Susie went for a  turquoise and navy blue layered look to transition into spring! She went with a lightweight navy blue maxi skirt from Cato and paired it with a navy blue turtle neck.


The next layer is a really fun turquoise gauze tunic with a v neck. This tunic has a really fun silhouette and hemline! Perfect for layering now and wearing all by itself in the lot days of summer!! This material breathes for summertime!!!


A navy blue belt and a hat are perfect for the look!  Navy blue pumps from Nine West are always a versatile wardrobe staple in her book! A little boho look! The shopping angels smiled on Susie because she found this scarf which just happened to match this outfit perfectly for just .99 cents!!!  For under a dollar y’all!! Yippee!!!


As winter turns to spring, let’s turn  those winter blues into the colors of the sky and the ocean!!  Feeling the warmth of the sun on our faces and the feel of the sand between our toes!!


Baby It’s Cold Outside

Susie recently posted on her Facebook about the temperature in South Carolina and tons of you responded about the temps where you are. Apparently it’s cold outside EVERYONE’S window.


So, what’s a girl to do when it’s frigid. We have a few suggestions… some may spark your interest, others may not, but at least we can say we tried- right?


  • Movies- watch lots of classics. Maybe the ones your friends always suggested but you never got to. Michelle and Susie are so different in their movie selections (opposites attract). Susie loves an action thriller/horror. Michelle is more of a drama for your momma chick flick kinda gal. To each his own!
  • Organize something! Your shoes, forks and knives drawer, your laundry room, your pantry…. seriously the list could go on and on! Just don’t be distracted by the squirrel and be drawn to something else at that time. Focus is key.


  • Paint your nails! Self beauty is so fun! Who has time to paint their nails… well now all of us do! Pick a beat color that might be a stretch for you- we are into pushing ourselves outside the box!


  • Cook! There is so much fulfillment we receive when we cook. We are feeding loved ones, there are words of affirmation that it’s good. But most importantly if you love to do it and you love to eat it- go for it! A plus here would be the oven tends to help cut the chill in the kitchen!


  • Reading is so relaxing and what better time than now to snuggle up under a warm blanket and grab your favorite book.


  • Make a fire. Hearing the crackle and feeling the warmth of a fire is soothing to the soul. It’s wonderful to sit around and have conversation around the fireplace.

  • Roast smores if you have a fireplace. This is great and fun to do with children. Just be careful they don’t bring the marshmallow on fire out of the fireplace!


There are so many things we can do when the ground turns white with snow. What are your plans for snowy days?


In South Carolina snow days are few and far between so we have to strategically plan ahead so that we are maximizing our time inside. Others of you have an extended part of the year that is spent inside. Hopefully our list of some of the many things you could do sparked your creativity to productivity.

Christmas Adventures Which Don’t Involve Food

Holidays and festivities and food– lots of food!!! It seems like every where we go at this time of year, we are tempted to eat, drink and be merry!!   Indulging in massive amounts of food from Halloween through the New Year is so not helping our figures!!  As fun as this is, let’s be honest, it’s not the healthiest choice to make all the time!!  We are in no means advising  anyone to deny yourselves the tasty treats and libations of the season!


We do, however, want to offer some ideas for Holiday activities and traditions that will not pack on the pounds, but  instead will bring some laughter and fun to you and your loved ones!


Here are some thoughts!

  • Sign up for a Race or Walk – It’s always a fun idea to get a group together to either run or walk  together in one of the holiday races. Imagine the laughter and the steps everyone can share while getting some exercise and working that turkey/cheesecake inch or two off!!
  • Take a Nature Walk-  Grab your family and head out to enjoy mother nature and the beauty of the parks around you. Don’t forget to bring your camera along and snap some fabulous photographs of the animal life and scenery as you enjoy the fresh air and soak up some needed vitamin D!  Be careful if the trails are icy and steep!! (Not a problem in South Carolina)


  • Stroll Through the Neighborhood and Look at the Lights-  Driving around is an option as well, but it does not burn any of those turkey calories!! Take a stroll walk through the neighborhood and enjoy the holiday lights and sights!! There are so many people who are so creative with the decorations that they put up each year! Who knows, you may be inspired to add a few to your yard! We are not encouraging a yard competition or are we??????  We still remember the lights we would see with our family during the holidays!!! Make those memories!!
  • Perform Some Random Acts of Kindness-   There are many people around us who could use some holiday cheer in their lives. Volunteer to rake someone’s yard or shovel their snow.  fill parking meters with change, pack food boxes for the needy, cook a meal at the homeless shelter, distribute blankets and coats to those without….. The list is long!!!


  • Make Homemade Gifts Together- We realize that this one won’t burn lots of calories, but it will be fun and a great way for your family to spend time together. People love getting gifts that you have put a lot of thought into!! You can even buy white wrapping paper or gift bags and let your family decorate them for the store bought gifts!! We used to do this with our children when they were smaller. It keeps them occupied and gives them a chance to participate in the holiday in a meaningful way!


  • Go Christmas Caroling Together-  When is the last time you put on a Santa hat or a reindeer hat and went serenading others!!! Think of how much fun this is for your neighbors or the older people around your area to be surprised by a group of merry men, women, and children sharing the joy of the season through song!! No one expects you to be experts or rock stars, they just love the energy and the love shown through the gift of the songs!!!

So snap out of  the Carbohydrate coma, and let’s spread some Christmas cheer!!!  Oh, and while you’re at it!!! Take a picture of your festive outfit of the day and share it with us!!!


Layer Up!

Need tips on layers? Today we are- Sticking with a look that’s often on PenelopeSeraphina! Michelle and Susie give you two great examples of how to layer over a dress as well as two tips to help you as you navigate through what we call the adventure of layering while realizing that some find layering to be terrifying!  We have offered tips about this before and will continue to guide the way with more to come!


Tip 1. An inch is important. Yes, you heard us. Length matters here. If you are considering adding a layer to a dress or a top/pant set be sure to pick the correct length of the outer layer. You should avoid the lengths matching up exactly.

Tip 2. If possible try to wear your vest with a sleeveless top or a long sleeve top. Avoid short sleeves with vests when possible. There are times when short sleeve looks good (denim, white t shirt, and vest) but it’s normally in classic looks!

Let us share a humorous and not so stylish story about layering that you do not want to experience. Recently, Susie flew to Nashville and was somehow convinced by her husband that she only needed one checked bag and a carry on. Now, to start with this was a recipe for disaster, because she is never going to leave any empty space in a suitcase. That being said, when she travels to Nashville, she loves to shop there, especially for vintage clothing! You see where this is headed, right?  Huge mistake!!!

On the return flight, her bags were so heavy  the man at curbside checkout was pretty clear that there was no way her bag was at 50 pounds. She had not made it to the scale yet!! Things were not looking good, so she informed the man that he needed to open the bag so she could layer up! With a perplexed expression, he asked what she meant! She promptly informed him that she was just going to have to start putting on layers of clothes  right there in order to meet the weight requirement!  There was a good ending here, because after laughing  until his eyes watered, he told her that all was good! Thank goodness! The airport angels were smiling on Susie that day! So with a huge- thank you and a sincere-Bless your heart, Susie hurried on her way! So not the correct or stylish way to layer your clothing! But hey, a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do right?

The point to the story is to share a misadventure but to also remind you to be thoughtful about what you layer! Be intentional! It is not a case of just piling it on!  That will result in a dowdy mess!

Experiment with looks and combinations when you get a chance!!  Do not be afraid to try things!! We promise that after a few tries, you will feel more comfortable and confident with your abilities!!

So, we hope you have enjoyed our post and look forward to seeing y’all   LAYER UP!!!

Taking on Friday like a boss!

Yes girls! Yes! Fridays come,  and you should conquer them like a boss! So much to look forward to and for some of you, your workplace allows you to dress more casually on a Friday. For Michelle that’s true some Fridays and now for Susie, every day could be a dress down day, but of course she would never choose that life… the dress down life that is!


Isn’t it true that we wait our entire week for this day and it’s glorious, but we feel so tired and run down by Friday we forget to actually be the BOSS!! This is your friendly reminder. Straighten up ladies…go drink a glass of cold water….have a healthy conversation and be the boss of your Friday!


Michelle’s casual Friday attire is floral on the bottom and chambray up top. This little top has been such a staple in her closet this summer. It criss-crosses in the back and is very cool on a hot summer day. It goes with just about everything. Her floral pants are whimsical and cropped. The pants are from Old Navy and the hemp wedge had a smidgen of the same color as the flowers. What a perfect match!


Susie was in her element today with a fun navy wrap maxi skirt! She chose a white short- sleeved cowl necked top and a short pink jacket to compliment her skirt!



Navy wedge pumps from Nine West and navy and blue accessories including her hat add a little extra to the look.


She even paired it with a floral clutch to introduce a pattern to the party! Oh the joy of creating new looks and mixing and matching clothes!!  It’s like we are the boss of our closets!!


Remember, you are fabulous, beautiful, and fierce!! Just the sort of woman who can take on life like a BOSS!!

Wondering ….

Do you stand in front of your closet wondering. I wonder what I should wear. I wonder if this goes with this top. I wonder if this skirt and that jacket would go? So many things to consider. So much planning that should take place.


However if you’re like Michelle little time is set aside for planning. She is in the throes of life with a full time job and three children. So anything that doesn’t need to be ironed is on the tops of her list. 


If you’re more like Susie you might have your outfit planned for tomorrow in advance. Maybe it’s ironed. Maybe it’s even got jewelry and shoes already staged next to it to make life easier.


Regardless of which one of us, you can identify with more.  we all stand there- stare- and wonder.
Should it be the bell bottom jeans with tasseled shawl?? Or should it be the pink skirt with an overlay on top??  What to wear to where???Both are great choices.


Really, if you’ve gotten that far, you are doing pretty good. Most women change moods by the hour so what they were feeling or looking like last week could be something completely different than this week. 



That’s why it’s important to hit your sweet spot in planning. Not too soon, but not too far out either. A perfect medium of feeling confident about what you put on without feeling guilty about the lack of prep work that went into that totally rocking outfit.



Key words: think AHEAD!!  If you know you want to go with a skirt tomorrow,  think about the options you have. Think about the “look” you’re going after.  Think about where you’re going and the event.  Is it for work, lunch with friends, or an evening soirée? Think about the trend you are trying to set for that event and then  passionately  go after it.


Anyone who tells you they think nothing of what they put on their back is lying!! Everyone has this innate desire to look decent. As for the two of us, we change styles like the wind. One day we like edgy,  and the next we like conservative. The deal is ladies: THAT’S OK!


It’s ok to be all over the board. It’s ok to mix and match things. As long as you are confident and happy- everyone else will think you are radiant! 80% of beauty is the confidence you exude. So pick out what you feel like that day and feel beautiful.



Maxi Love

I mean really, who doesnt love a maxi? They are flowy, they are long (just in case you didn’t shave your legs), they are fun and twirly, and casual but also can be elegant, stylish and feminine.


Maxi dresses are so versatile, you can change the mood of a maxi dress with things like jewelry, scarves, a clutch purse, or a super cute pair of shoes. Most maxi dresses hit the floor, or come close, but for those that don’t quite make the mark a lower heel or flat may be the better choice.


Maxi dresses can be used as great bathing suit cover ups and can also be used as the dress you need to wear to that wedding you have coming up. The possibilities are endless.


Michelle’s maxi dress today is colorful! That’s a great thing considering pretty much any color earring or bracelet would match. Her dress is adorned with beads at the scoop neck which adds a level of dimension and creativity.


The drawstring waist and sleeveless shell make it a casual and comfortable choice for running errands around town, going to church, or walking around the mall.

Did you know that maxi dresses can be worn to the office with a blazer on top and when you remove the blazer, you are ready to hit the town that night.  You can layer your maxi with a tshirt underneath or like Susie did as the base of something more colorful.


Susie used a solid navy blue maxi for a base to her look of the day! Her maxi was a steal at Goodwill for $5.99! She is able to wear it by itself and with so many other style elements!


Tiday, she paired it with a striped Tunic top with a ruffle detail at the top! Her tunic is fun and colorful and brings a totally different look to her maxi!  Simple earrings and bracelets are perfect for it! Simple navy Nine West wedges are the finishing touch!


So fashionistas before you discard an old maxi see what you can do with it. Maybe give it a tie u on one side, add a tshirt, or put on a blazer. The possibilities are endless.


